Connect is a wireless Bluetooth text scanner/digital highlighter that is compatible with Android, iOS, Windows & Mac devices. When activated, a light turns on and lights up the text which then instantly appears on the screen of the device.
Simply mark up some text, as if doing it with a marker pen, and the text appears in the app.
Studying or researching?
Scan notes and quotes from textbooks and papers. Save as text file locally, upload to your cloud drive, or share with someone in a message.
Need to translate text?
Scan a word or a phrase and instantly translate in 40 languages with a few clicks (requires third party translation app like Google Translate).
Reading difficulties?
Scan a word or a phrase and listen to it being read out.
- Scan languages: Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish.
- Scan speed up to 12 cm/s
- Scans font size 6,5-24 points
- Rechargeable lithium battery: 600mAh / Full charging cycle 2,5h
- Size 124 x 29 x 15 mm
- Weight: 42g
System Requirements
- Android, iOS (iPhone/iPad), Windows and Mac
- Bluetooth 4.x/BLE
Package Contents
- C-Pen Connect
- USB Cable
- QuickStart Guide
Free support is available.